by midwest | Sep 25, 2016 | Auto Attendant, Blog
Why a custom professional music on hold matters for your business phone system It is a proven fact that customers placed on hold who have nothing to listen too will hang up the phone quicker than those who are listening to music or a custom on hold advertisement....
by midwest | Sep 3, 2016 | Blog, Voice and Data Installaion
High Speed Cabling for Your Home or Business What is the goal of any home or business that is wiring for Internet/Ethernet access? Speed and capacity, pure and simple. And if you are looking for these two things, the first place you should start is with CAT 7 network...
by midwest | Jul 18, 2016 | Blog, VoIP
Guide to Small Business VoIP Phone Systems Why Trading Your Landline for VoIP Can Save Your Small Business Money, and Give You New Mobile Options, Too. You’ve been thinking about switching your phone service over to a small business VoIP system (Voice over Internet...
by midwest | Jul 17, 2016 | Blog, Business Phone Systems
If you have made it here then something has sparked your interest in replacing your office phone system. It is important to educate yourself on what your needs are, what is available and how your business will be affected by migrating to a new telecommunications...
by midwest | Mar 12, 2016 | Blog, Testimonial
A company stuck under contract breaks loose. We were recently able to help a large retirement community in Indianapolis save thousands of dollars and give them the best business telephone deals on their phone service and also provide them with a new business phone...