When your office moving day approaches for your business you may or may not have thought about your phones system or office wiring solutions moving with you. Although phones are the life line to most businesses many people forget about them unless they quit working.

With a move on the horizon it’s important to keep in mind your phone system is going to be moving along with your computers and data equipment. As dumb as it may sound you may not have realized you can’t move the cabling that is currently in place.  Don’t worry; Midwest telephone can handle all of this for you. Not only do we move phone systems and data equipment we install new phone and network cabling at your new facility.



Whether you are Johnny on the spot and have planned 6 weeks in advance or you have dropped the ball and need help next week, we can help. Having multiple service technicians on staff we have the man power, reliability, and knowledge to move your telephone system without your companies business missing a beat.

From Muncie to Anderson, Danville to Terre Haute, Columbus to Greenwood, Greenfield to Shelbyville, Carmel to Fishers, we are ready to move your phone system anywhere you choose to relocate too. Call us today and we will meet you at your new facility, walk through with you, provide you with a formal quote, and get your move scheduled. We are committed to providing your business with the most current technological standards in cabling from Cat5e, Cat 6,Cat 7 to fiber optics. With over 100 years of combined telecom service we have the knowledge to program and service nearly all makes and models.

Moving your business can be costly! Check out our tips to cost reduction strategies.