Multi line Phone System for Law Offices

When it comes to purchasing a multi-line office phone, attorneys and law offices usually require more complex features than the average business. These 5 important features below will seamlessly walk you through the process of an initial new client meeting all the way through the timeframe of their legal matter. Each call is recorded and documented, with a complete list of analytics; if necessary, calls can be tracked and billed using specific features in the phone system along with some external add-on software.
Direct Inward Dial After initial communication has been made with a new client, they may need your DID number, or direct inward dial phone number. You can give your DID number to other attorneys, coworkers, or family members to contact you without going through the secretary or auto attendant. Any calls that come in from a DID number will be visible on your handset.
Email Integration This is a desirable feature for law offices of any size. This feature saves voicemails as .WAV files that get sent to your voicemail. You can listen to voicemails from any device, without having to log into a phone system. All voicemails are stored in your email, making for a handy backup that you can access at any time.
Call Recording Recording calls in a legal environment is a necessity. Information exchanged between attorney and client, attorney and attorney, or even inter-office from employee to attorney that could be mission critical to a case. Having an accessible record of these calls can make supporting your case effortless, ultimately resulting in a win for you and your client. The process of recording calls can be done two ways:
- The first is by the use of a one touch programmable button placed on your phone. This feature gives you the ability to record calls on a call-by-call basis at the user’s discretion. As soon as you start a call, simply press the “Record” button and the call, in its entirety, will be saved to your voicemail. Once this call is over you can forward the recorded call to your legal assistant or secretary and have it summarized and or documented.
- The second way calls are recorded is by installing a piece of equipment either on the line side or station side of the phone system. With this device, you have the option of recording all calls, all the time or recording only certain calls on specific lines. Additionally, you have the option of recording only certain users. Need access to those recorded calls in a flash? Log into your self-managed call recording manager and download, save, and transfer the recorded calls as needed.
Mobility Solutions Another great feature for busy attorneys, mobility solutions is a way to stay connected. By implementing a cordless solution, individuals have the ability to move about the office and still stay connected. With the “find me/ follow me” feature, calls jump from device to device, in the order of your choosing. For instance, a call could first ring your office phone, then your home IP phone, then your mobile phone. If you don’t answer on any of these devices the call goes to voicemail or your receptionist. You can also download the mobile extension app. With the app, you get access to features like caller ID, call transfer, and voicemail.
Call Accounting When your business grows, you want to know. With call accounting software, you can see month-by-month comparisons of growth and have the data to back it up, as well as check employee productivity with incoming, outgoing, and internal call logs. This data can help you make important decisions like increasing employee productivity, adding new employees, or looking at which marketing trends to follow. The most important feature that call accounting provides is the ability to itemize all calls placed by a single individual and allocate that time to a billable client when necessary. Does your law firm need assistance in choosing the proper phone system? Call Midwest Telephone and we can discuss communications systems to meet your needs.