Hotel Telephone System

Hotel & Lodging Phone Systems
The hospitality industry has a different set of needs when it comes to phones and phone systems. Not only do hotels need a vast network of telephones, but they need to ensure that every interaction guests have are pleasant and accommodating.
Hotel Phones
Every room in a hotel needs a phone with different capabilities, like multiple lines, inward dialing and unique numbers for every room. Each phone system should come equipped with voicemail that a guest can check. Any calls that are made from the guest to outside lines can be tracked for billing purposes.
In-Room Phones
The most common use for a hotel room phone is to communicate with the hospitality staff. Whether a guest needs more towels or a wake-up call in the morning, a phone system that never fails is a valuable customer service tool. If your hotel phone system is outdated, you may be missing the chance to connect during these moments.
Voicemail & Email
When a guest checks into a hotel, they may need immediate access to any voicemails they receive. Phone systems now have the ability to send voicemails to email, where the guest can easily listen to it from their mobile device. Guests expect hotels to be as connected as they are at their own homes.
Emergency Management
There are times when a hotel guest may need emergency services in their room. But many guests don’t get the service they need, because in times of panic or distress, they may not realize that they need to dial 9 first to get an outside line. With the new integration of Enhanced 911 (E-911) technology, phone systems will now have a direct calling out feature specifically for 911 emergency calls.
Midwest Telephone can design a phone system for your unique lodging needs; get in touch with us today to learn more.